Interviews about History

Interviews on archaeology, anthropology, palaeoanthropology and the history of science...

28 December 2016

A hoard of science-hungry academic luminaries join the Naked Scientists to celebrate Christmas

20 December 2016

We round off Christmas 2016 with a final rendition of A Partridge in a Pear Tree...

15 December 2016

How can we ensure that minority backgrounds are fairly represented in science?

15 December 2016

Fossil footprints reveal that some of our human-like ancestors could have been taller than we thought.

28 November 2016

Would aliens necessarily have DNA, like we do?

18 November 2016

Driverless cars could change the world- but what legal and ethical challenges do they bring with them?

14 November 2016

Indira Raman offers her perspective on being a scientist who is a woman...

08 November 2016

What do you study when researching skeletons that span millions of years?

08 November 2016

The earliest stone tools were assumed to have been intentionally made by our pre-human ancestors but maybe there's...

08 November 2016

Could the discovery of fire have been the cause of man's big brain?

08 November 2016

Is the ability to believe in ritual and religion proof of a higher form of intelligence? Possibly not if Lee's...

08 November 2016

Is our obsession with social networks and relationships the one thing that makes us special?

07 November 2016

Roswell High, Area 51 and Redndlesham Forest - all are places were aliens have been reported...

07 November 2016

...but if we can't travel to them, will the discovery be all that profound?

24 October 2016

We face our fears and head into the dark to find out when it all began...

24 October 2016

There are many reasons to be reducing excess lighting. But is it feasible to roll out over large areas?

18 October 2016

Could a bunch of computer programmers be the answer to the illegal wildlife trade?

18 October 2016

How did the hospital become an integral part of society?

07 October 2016

Fragments of ancient proteins are preserved in ostrich eggshells...

27 September 2016

A new genetic test may allow us to start treating heart disease years before any symptoms emerge.

27 September 2016

Think you know what the dinosaurs looked like? Think again!

13 September 2016

Is it nature or nuture that determines our grades?

13 September 2016

When it comes to exams, who decides what needs to be tested and how?

13 September 2016

How much scientific research actually gets in to education policy?